Sri Lankan Black Pepper

One of the most consumed spices in the world

Pepper, the fruit of the plant Piper nigrum is native to the Indian state, Kerala. Even though Sri Lanka caters to merely 2.5% of the global demand for pepper, Ceylon Pepper is rich in Piperine, which gives Ceylon Pepper its distinct pungency and a premium price in the global market driven by its plenitude of the alkaloid.

Black pepper from Sri Lanka is available in numerous forms and varieties;

Black Pepper Essential Oil is extracted using one of the several methods including steam distillation, hydro-distillation, and CO2 extraction and provides various benefits. Consisting of powerful chemical components such as monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, which have the ability to support the healthy functioning of the immune system It is widely used for many purposes.

Black Pepper Powder is the ground version of black pepper that is often used on food preparation to add a sharp, hot, and biting taste. It has also been a frequently used additive in traditional medicine since ancient times.

Other than adding flavour to our dishes, pepper comes with various benefits that are mostly unseen

Health Benefits of Black Pepper

Black pepper is known to be a rich source for nutrients such as Thiamine, Riboflavin, Vitamin C, E, B6, and K. The spice is also a source of minerals like Zinc, Magnesium, Sodium, Phosphorous, and Calcium. It is also high in dietary fibre. These valuable components have collectively resulted in black pepper to build a name for its medicinal value.


Black pepper assists weight loss by suppressing appetite and preventing the formation of fat cells. Black pepper also helps weight loss by fighting the formation of fat cells. The presence of phytonutrients supports this cause. Black pepper also helps the body to absorb nutrients from the consumed food. Daily consumption of black pepper with food benefits in boosting metabolism, helping to get rid of extra fat and toxins.


Rich in antioxidants and active ingredient piperine, black pepper initiates free-radical scavenging that helps chemoprevention and controls any progression of tumour growth.

According to a study done by the University of Michigan. In cell studies, Piperine, the natural chemical found in pepper, has shown anti-inflammatory antioxidant and anti-cancer activities.


Piperine in black pepper helps to stabilize glucose level in blood by improving its metabolism. Further research has found piperine to enhance insulin sensitivity and discourage the function of some digestive enzymes, that reduces complex carbohydrates and sucrose into glucose. In addition, piperine also acts as a bio enhancer for Metformin, a common diabetes medication.


The anti-inflammatory properties found in black pepper have the ability to reduce the occurrence of gum inflammation and oral infections.

Black pepper can also be used as a home remedy to relieve the pain of tooth decay, toothache, and oral abscess. The antibacterial properties in black pepper help to reduce the inflammation in dental caries and tooth decay is prevented since black pepper stops the destruction of mineralized tissue of the teeth.


Piperine in black pepper slows down enzymes that promote the fat formation and focuses on the removal of fat. It also prevents the reabsorption of bile, an acidic digestive juice that assists the digestion and absorption of fats.

Therefore Black pepper lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol which is good for the human body. By helping to reduce lower bad cholesterol black pepper reduces the risks of heart diseases.